Embarking on a Helicopter Tour: Doors On or Doors Off?

When booking a helicopter trip, you can decide whether to leave the doors on or off. This decision may profoundly affect your helicopter journey and experience in several ways. Prioritizing your needs from your tour will help you make this decision seamlessly.

Helicopter Ride

Are You Afraid of Heights?

Many people find that taking a helicopter ride with no doors on is an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. Nevertheless, some may be apprehensive about the “doors-off” option. You may already know that a helicopter trip is safe regardless of whether the doors are open or closed. This fact still isn't enough to calm everyone's fears while flying. We suggest assessing your acrophobia levels, and if they range only up to mild levels, then take a chance on a doors-off tour. You are guaranteed to have a thrilling experience!

How Much Do You Want to Gain from Aerial Experience?

A helicopter trip provides both the thrill of flying and the opportunity to explore the world from an aerial perspective. The presence of a door may not be an issue if you're just interested in taking in the views. Even with closed doors, you'll get a good look at the city's most famous monuments. On the other hand, having no doors might provide a more exhilarating flying experience as you soar to greater altitudes. Imagine the wind, the heat, and the high energy!

Are You looking for Memorable Photographs?

The absence of doors provides you with a wider variety of backdrops. With the doors closed, you can still get beautiful shots, but you won't be able to catch as much as you would want. Aerial photography and videography taken by amateurs and casual users may be stunning. Experts can help you achieve the perfect shot, and this would require a doors-off flight.

Avoiding the Chills?

You'll feel more wind and cold as you ascend. You may wish to bring a sweater or jacket if you decide on a doors-off helicopter trip. If you want to completely veer off this option, a closed-door option is easy to handle.

Do You Intend to Fly Alone or With a Group of People?

If you're planning a helicopter trip with a group, clarify whether everyone wants an open-door or closed-door flight when making your reservation. Everyone on the trip may become uncomfortable due to one person's discomfort. It's possible with many services to have one half open while keeping the other closed. Another alternative is to have someone sit in the front with the side doors closed while the passengers at the rear have the choice of having the doors off.

Therefore, there are many considerations to factor in. Before you board, understand your comfort level, and discuss it with your helicopter tour company. Specialized Aviation offers a variety of packages to suit your specific requirements. Let us take care of your travel plans now.


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